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We are happy to improve Alby Hub according to your suggestions! If you want to report an error, please use "Bug report" board.
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We are happy to improve Alby Hub according to your suggestions! If you want to report an error, please use "Bug report" board.
MyNode Integration

I would like to request an app for MyNode users. I'm guessing it would be similar to the Umbrel or Start 9 apps. Currently I would have to install AlbyHub separately and every time there is a MyNode update it has the chance of messing up AlbyHub, so I would love to see it officially supported. Please! Thanks!

Bill payments: Pay fiat bills with Alby

I want an automatic way to pay my bills directly from my Alby Hub. Whether it's credit card payments, phone bills, or utilities, I wish I can set up as many billers as I need and choose to pay from my bitcoin balance.

Remove the Monthly Recurring Donation "Step" from the Get Started Wizard

I stated this in the Discord, but really it should be here.

Since it's not actually a step required to set up Alby Hub, how about remove it from the onboarding and instead put that β€œbecome a supporter” button somewhere on the front page instead? The tactic in use feels sleazy, even if your intentions are pure. It's a really slimy tactic that unfairly preys on those who have the completionist mindset, where if there's a checklist, they must finish it or it'll seriously bug them.

Custom watchtower
More information (tooltips?) what's happening in the Hub
Onchain wallet seed (self-hosted albyhub)

Hi. I would like to back up my onchain wallet seed (I feel I need more security for my funds than just alby-backup). Also, I would like to use the seed in an external wallet, to be able to use my funds freely (on-chain). Is there a way to get the seed?

Channel balancing (self-hosted albyhub)

I'm running self-hosted albyhub. I opened several channels and used them for some time. Now I have all balance in my channels on the other side. How do I do any balancing? I found no tool for that whatsoever. I need the funds to move back to my side.
Thank you for answer.

Automated matching

I’d envision this to be like a matching program for your 401k at work. To encourage saving, it would be great to be able to say that for every 1000 sats the wallet receives, there is a certain percent that is then added automatically. If this is paired with a sending restriction (another feature suggestion), then a subaccount could be an excellent savings vehicle.

For example, if my son wants to get paid part in sats and part in dollars, then the sats would become even more valuable because there would be additional sats added in for the β€œmatch.”

Max send option or a receive only wallet

I have set up a subaccount for my son. To encourage saving in sats when he is older, I’d love to have the ability to have unlimited receiving capabilities but potentially turn off or limit how much he can send out per day or week to encourage saving.

ZapPlanner: Automatic sat/fiat conversion

Automatic fiat/sat amount calculations in Zap Planner:

Bitcoin is a great Store of Value, and increasingly becoming a great Medium of Exchange, much thanks to Alby!

We're not at the Unit of Account phase yet - so it would be great to have automatic sat/fiat amount conversion in ZapPlanner?

Fixed sat amounts will need adjustments as bitcoin goes up in purchasing power, so it would be very useful to have automation in place for this?

Show the receiving address when confirming payment

When confirming payment in Alby Hub, it would be great to see all the information about that payment, not just the amount. Mainly the receiving address, but also the comment.

Add onchain wallet support

I'd love to have some bitcoin on-chain transaction support. This may be my naive of me, but I feel like since it's a Bitcoin wallet, it should be able to do such a thing as well.

Add LNURL-withdraw

I would like to redeem lightning vouchers with Alby Hub

Bitcoin automation app

This can be an app for the hub (node, channel & on-chain management) and another one for any NWC wallet.
I created a basic UI demo with Claude available at

An IFTTT-style automation platform for Bitcoin and Lightning, where users can create simple automations using a "If This, Then That" interface.
Triggers (If This happens): >
Actions (Then do That):

Example use cases:

When receiving >1M sats, automatically split it between 3 addresses
When channel balance drops below 20%, send a Telegram alert
When a specific address receives a payment, forward it via Lightning
When mempool fees are low, consolidate UTXOs
When a Nostr event matches criteria, make a Lightning payment

The goal is to allow users to automate common Bitcoin/Lightning operations without coding, similar to how IFTTT works for web services.

Auto channel management

Currently I have to do channel management by hand. I would prefer an (default) option for automatic channel management, because I am not experienced with it, and prefer an easy as possible UX for Alby hub. Have a look at Phoenix which is providing the easiest automatic channel management I have discovered.

Add rebalancing or manual channel customization
Add LNURL-auth or "Login with Lightning"

I'd like to use my Hub (via Go, or directly) to sign in to Stacker News and other platforms that use it.

Improve error notifications for Alby Hub connections

I've noticed after upgrading or restarting my Alby Hub, that if I do not log into my Hub to "unlock" it, the Alby extension did not work properly. I solved this with But I now see there was a NIP-07 error on one client and I needed to "review my wallet connection". This is all causing my wallet to be offline for day's on end without any warnings. Can something be done to alert us if a wallet needs attention?

Add Info about the technicalities of the seed phrase used by AlbyHub

f.e.: derivation paths, seed type (aezeed/BIP39) etc.

Improve upgrading communication for isolated wallets

I can still login to Alby cloud hub and have my isolated wallet active in the Alby browser extension. I will see the message of a new version, but when clicking to update it shows instructions for non-cloud hubs. I would expect a message that I am there with a isolated cloud account and should ask the manager to update, or just being able to update as I already was logged in with the password of the hub (I don't mean the alby account password)

Sub-wallets: A view to excluded sub-wallet balances from the main Hub balance

"Im so confused by the Alby Hub. How do i see what is in the main hub wallet. It shows me everything in every wallet. So when I top up XYZ's Isolated wallet it just puts it right back in my hub wallet. Is there some balance that is actually only associated with the main hub wallet? I feel like the hub should not be it's own wallet it is very confusing."

Select all to backup the words

Casually I was clicking around to see the features and landed on the backup. That I did on the first time. I don't know why, I decide to check the words, and found out that I put one of the words out of the correct sequence.
My fault, but...

I'm aware of the issues, and use a password manager, with a backup strategy.

In order copy the words to the password manager, I need to select, copy and paste one by one. Somewhere during this process, I selected a wrong one and paste out of sequence.

I understand, the reason of this, single selection is to force people to go one by one and not loose the key.
But, not sure is really better than allowing to select all and paste to a password manager, correctly.

Automatic capacity increase

The payment channels partners seem to have limits on how many sats can flow at once, and we need to be aware of those limits unless we'll all just going to use this for small amounts (zaps). If yes, then my Phoenix wallet will be a better use in my opinion.

Please let the channel partners increase the sat bandwidth for us.

Hide balances

Hide balances on

  • spending balance on Wallet screen
  • of subaccounts on Connection screen
  • of balances on Node screen
Help with a port number when connecting to custom node

As a beginner user I don't know what should I put there