Show Fiat converted amount on Alby Hub Dashboard

Alby Hub focus on showing the user the amount of sats, but on the day by day usage people want to know how much that equates in their Fiat currency.

Simply add a configuration to set a default Fiat currency and be able to show users that amount converted.

Equally important is to give users to ability to enter that amount in Fiat and have that automatically converted to sats when generating an Invoice.

For an employee creating an invoice to show to a customer it is not practical have to use an external tool to make the conversion.

Oct 10, 2024

Hi roland
Thanks for the reply.

In either cases have it on both Buzzpay PoS but also on Alby Hub to facilitate invoice generation that way.
Haven't tried Alby Go yet.

Oct 8, 2024

Hi, there is a benefit to using an external tool (like BuzzPay PoS) because you can give receive-only access employees without worrying that they can spend any funds that were received, and you do not need to open up the entire hub (which is your portal to manage all your app connections) just to receive a payment.

We plan to add fiat support in BuzzPay PoS.

Currently, there is also fiat support in the Alby Go app. Did you try this yet?