MyNode Integration
mIXFeb 14, 2025
I would like to request an app for MyNode users. I'm guessing it would be similar to the Umbrel or Start 9 apps. Currently I would have to install AlbyHub separately and every time there is a MyNode update it has the chance of messing up AlbyHub, so I would love to see it officially supported. Please! Thanks!
Hopefully someone who uses both can prepare a package!
kolotom +1
Could you comment on and upvote this issue here? https://github.com/mynodebtc/mynode/issues/878
That would be great.
Moritz Done! Wanna do this one as well?
Moritz Oh, I asked mynodebtc (via support ticket) if they were going to integrate this. This is something Alby has to do. So your request on their github won't really do anything other than show interest to Alby.
That's why I posted this here.