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Make "Isolated" Connections truly isolated.
🔬 Under Review
Sep 15, 2024

Lets say i

  1. have a channel open with inbound liquidity
  2. add a "Friends & Family" subaccount and
  3. add some funds to this account

Now the node owner still has FULL ACCESS over these funds and can spend them as he likes. They are not "isolated" at all. And the next time the friend wants to spend his received funds he can't because the node owner already spent it.

It all depends on the node runner exclusively using "isolated" connections for everything or he runs into the danger of spending the funds of the "isolated" subaccounts/connections.

Jan 22, 2025
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🔬 Under Review
Jan 22, 2025
Den Status setzen auf
✅ Done

Happy to inform you, that it's already a case. There's 10 sats / 1% reserve that forbids Hub owner to spend the isolated funds (unless they close the connection)

Jan 22, 2025

Jakub Can we also have it seperated from the 'budget/balance', so the owner will see its own balance in its wallet, and another place where you can see the total balance? This will make it more clear.

Jan 22, 2025

Jurjen hey there was a misunderstanding and I was wrong and Hub owner CAN spend funds from isolated wallets currently. I am investigating If we can do this and also seperate balance in Wallet

Dec 23, 2024

I agree on this, especially because the term 'isolated' gives the impression that its isolated. I had the same issue managing my family members. Moritz helped me well by TG to fix this by creating a separated account for my hub management and an isolated one for myself. Still I found out that it gives some new issues:

  1. Upgrading Albyhub was harder, as the myhub page shows there is an update, but didn't gave my the update option. With the help of Tomek I found out I was active with my isolated account in my hub environment, which resulted in this issue.
  2. Monthly subscription costs for the hub goes by the hub manager account. But actually I want to use my personal isolated account for this, so I can be sure it's not from the balance of my kids.
  3. NWC by hub is only available to the hub manager address. For now luckily there is an alternative by the one.
Sep 16, 2024

Valid concern. Doesn't the subaccount holder trust the Alby Hub node runner in the first place to keep his funds safe anyway?
Or do you see it as a helper to warn the Alby Hub node runner that he is spending sats reserved for an isolated balance?

Sep 16, 2024

Moritz I don't want this to be about trust. I'm with you: right know we expect the node runner to be a trustful entity. There could be an addition in the future to minimize trust (by providing everybody with his own 12 word seed phrase in some kind) but i want to point to a different problem, because i ran into it:

  1. I added an isolated subaccount (Friends & Family) for a friend.
  2. he setup a connection and
  3. received sats

now we have a problem: I can't use my Hub anymore for myself, because i run into the danger of spending his sats.

It already happend to us, and there was (and is) no feedback for him. It still shows him his old balance (the amount he first received) but these (his) stats aint no more, because i spent them!

Imagine this: He received an Connection QR from me. Connected his wallet. Received money. And now the "isolated" connection still shows him that he "has his money" but nono! The node runner spent it and he doesn't even have a way to see this!

Thats what i mean when i say that the only way to share a Hub with friends right now is to exclusively use "isolated" accounts or else you run into the aforementioned problems.

Thanks for your attention.

Sep 16, 2024

So as a node runner you would like to be warned that you spend sats that should be reserved for the subaccount of a friend. That's certainly helpful.
If it is a truly isolated app, we add the complexity of recovering these sats when the subaccount owner lost access.