Cypher.spaceJan 26, 2024
Would be nice to tag invoices with a small description that can than be viewed trough the API, usefull for outgoing payments.
Idealy :-D this would not be alby specific but i don't know if it's possible to store text just in the clear, i looked at the memo field of a payment but no luck so far
Hi! this is possible by setting the "description" field: https://guides.getalby.com/developer-guide/v/alby-wallet-api/reference/api-reference/invoices
roland but this is at invoice creation, when it's an outgoing payment you don't controll this right? so retro activly adding a note to a payment would be alby only i guess then ? An example is i use my wallet to pay a stacker news invoice, the stacker news app doesn't allow me to add something to the memo / description field
Cypher.space I don't think that is possible - you can't edit a BOLT 11 invoice after it has been created. You would need to request a new invoice with a new memo / description.